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Thursday, June 27, 2019

I'm out of control

How many times have I said to myself just in the past few days, “It’s all in God’s perfect timing. He has all the details in order. You are NOT in control”?


We are still waiting on the septic to be fixed so we can pass that portion of the homestudy.
I am not in control of that man who dig’s holes and lays pipes’ schedule.

I must get some fingerprinting redone.
I am not in control of how any of that works.

The Young Love Birds
Ava’s medical report was totally messed up at the doctor’s office.  
I am not in control of those people and their lack of understanding.

We are in full-blow wedding planning crazy! And the budget is…. There isn’t one. 
It’s a week by 
week adventure.
That is beyond my control. We only have so much.  We can only plan and pay for what we are able to week by week.

What am I in control of?

My attitude. I can enjoy the ever-changing journey. I can decide this is an exciting adventure and love every minute (it’s only a season).

I can be patient. I can treat people with kindness (even when they make me wait more).

I can be a good steward of all we are given. I can keep moving forward (with adoption fundraising, and paper collecting, and wedding planning).

I can do my best at what I can and not sweat the rest.

I can KISS it all (Keep It Simple Stupid).

I can choose each day (multiple times) to trust God’s perfect plan. (this one is the most important).

I can take care of me. Then I can take care of others (and all the rest). I can stop in the middle of all the crazy and give myself a pedicure or read a book or write a blog post (your welcome) or take a nap (or all these as needed).

I can try to control me and my words and actions.

I’m out of control. But not really.

“The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.” 

2 Peter 3:9

Have patience, have patience
Don't be in such a hurry
When you get impatient, you only start to worry
Remember, remember that God is patient, too
And think of all the times when others have to wait for you


  1. Love this. You and Carrie encouraged me this week. Intentional Act of Gratitude! In all things with all things! I love you my friend.
