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Monday, August 3, 2020

Change Drive Roundup

The time has come for us to "call in" the coins.* 

Our Change Drive has been going on for a little more than a month. We leave for Ukraine soon so if you've been sweetly collecting change for us (Thank you so much!) its time to turn it in. 
We'll be counting and rolling coins this coming Sunday afternoon (August 9). 
If you live locally we ask that you drop it by the house, or call and we'll come get it this week. If you're a little further away we ask you count it and give via check/snail mail or PayPal
Church family can just bring their jars/boxes/bags to the church Sunday morning. 

And if your late - no worries, a family member will be handling things for us.

It's really happening!!!!! 

If you've got questions... so do we. Trusting in God's sovereignty and greater plan. 
His will be done. 

"Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly 
than all that we ask or think, 
according to the power at work within us, 
to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus 
throughout all generations, forever and ever. 

Our Agency:
Family Connections, Inc.
Note: to the Harold Brown family
P.O. Box 5555
Cortland New York 13045

Our mailing address:
The Brown Family
PO Box 854

Franklin Springs, GA 30639

*Bad song lyrics:
Calling in the coins, calling in the coins, we shall go adopting, calling in the coins.
Calling in the coins, calling in the coins, we shall go to Ukraine, calling in the coins.