
Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Time Alone

Gene and I celebrated our twelfth anniversary this past weekend. 
We started with a Famliversary Brunch with all the children – ‘cause really it’s the day we became a family (not just married folks).

We were gifted with some money with instructions to get outta town. 

So we did.

We romantics found a cute little cabin on Airbnb built in the mid-1850’s down in Thomson, GA and spent two quiet nights ALONE!!! Totally alone. Even the host left town for the holiday and we had the invitation to roam and use their pool and enjoy ourselves. Nearby there were some historic sites (even pre-revolutionary stuff) and antique stores nearby and we are dorks and love that stuff.

So we did.

We sure needed it. Then it was time to come back to reality. Reluctantly.

So we did.

But we’d love to go back.
We were very happy with our Airbnb reservation and with every part of the process and stay.
And we learned 3 helpful things:

1.There are Airbnb places in Kiev. And hopefully soon we’ll get to go there.

2.  If we share our Airbnb link with people they can get a nice discount

3. If those people make a reservation we get Airbnb credit that we can save up and use on those several trips to Kiev. That would be super helpful!

So if you’re looking for a nice place to park yourself for vacation or business or just cause sometimes you gotta get outta town, here’s a link to save you money!

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Pretty Shirts!

Our shirts are awesome!

They came in the mail earlier this week from Bonfire and we had the opportunity to wear them to meet up with another couple from church who poured into us and encouraged us in our walk with God and our parenting.

The question was asked, “With all that’s going on in your life and home and family, is now really a good time to adopt and bring more children?”

The honest answer is, “No.”

It will never be a good time to adopt. There will always be life issues to deal with. There will never be enough money. There will always be doubts.

I’ve always giggled when I hear young couples say that they are waiting till they are ready (whatever their version of “ready” means) to have a baby. At that rate, they will NEVER be ready.

You can’t expect the unexpected.

But you can know the God of the impossible.

One of my "yes" verses.
We had a small group of prayer warriors fighting with us before we announced to the world our intention to adopt these big babies. We were warned several times, verbally and through things we read, that Satan hates families. He will be looking for every way possible to attack. If we didn’t see evidence of spiritual warfare before we will now. And we have repeatedly seen evidence in that he’s trying to “get to us.” Through our finances, through medical issues (minor), through attitudes, through doubts…. But God (my favorite words!)

But God has been bigger. Bigger than our doubts. Bigger than our finances. Bigger than these misbehaviors and childish and teenish and tired adultish attitudes. He proves Himself over and over.
He continues to move this along.

You know what the biggest hindrance is?


I forget. I overlook. I say to much or to little. (and that’s just this week)

But God is long-suffering (LLLOOONNNNGGGGGG-suffering!) towards me. This is a thing He is doing despite my imperfections. 

Maybe because of my imperfections. (I can be pretty impossible).
Cause it’s not about me.

It’s about Him.

A picture share on facebook by a certain place
that happens to have some certain beautiful children in it.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Bonfire Campaign

Our T-shirt campaign ended Sunday. We sold 22 shirts and with the sales and donations
raised $174.22.

That's pretty exciting. I think shirts can still be ordered and we are planning to relaunch the campaign sometime this summer. Perhaps our wearing the shirts will inspire others to get their own. 
If you have ordered a shirt they should begin to arrive in 7-14 days. 

Monday, May 13, 2019

Mother's Day 2019

I had a wonderful Mother's day adventure yesterday. We took flowers to my mother and then headed to Anna Ruby Falls. It was gorgeous. What wonders the Lord has made!  Of course, on the way back we had to walk around Helen and play at the park.


And Mother’s Day always ends at DQ. Normally we just get ice cream for supper – but we
were HANGRY! So, we got real food. Totally blew my budget. The Daddy joined us.

There was cake at home – which The Daddy made himself.
First, he pulled out this smiling cake (but that was a trick)!Then he pulled out this beauty! Didn’t know he was so talented! (don’t think he did either).

Praying that next Mother’s Day I can call these other two mine.

Carnesville Spring Fling

Despite the threat of rain and the tiny turn out of vendors and attendees the candy and lemonade stand at the Carnesville Spring Fling this past Saturday brought in $90.80! That's much more than I expected it to be! 

We were right next to the courthouse, the children drew all over the sidewalks, the day turned out to be beautiful, and we had several friends stop by to help or visit. 

While we were there some sweet friends offered to let us join their yard sale at the end of the month and encouraged us to have a bake sale at the same time. So, we are having a yard and bake sale in Hull, GA on May 31 & June 1. We've already had one family who is cleaning out offer their extra treasures.
Yard Sale & Bake Sale
Friday, May 31 & Saturday, June 1
Hull, GA

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Jorja is a natural!

This past Saturday, we had a great time at the Lavonia Spring Festival!

We prayed for sunshine and the Lord heard and answered our prayers! It was extremely sunny and hot till after lunch time – then it drizzled. But at about 3, the flood gates were opened and we got drenched packing up. Jacob said I looked like a jumped in a lake.

Little did we know that our little Jorja was such a salesperson! She talked to everyone she could! “Would you like to buy some lemonade and candy to help support adoption?” And when one older couple said that would be nice but they are diabetic, she smiled and happily gestured to the donation can and said, “You could just give a donation.” They did.

I did NOT teach her this! Boy are we glad she’s on our team.

The Car Wash was somewhat less successful. Perhaps it was the threat of rain, or not enough advertising…. But they and a couple of really good friends had fun.

Both fundraisers broke even and made a profit and there’s enough stuff left over to try again. 
SEVERAL times.

We’ll be at the Carnesville Spring Fling this coming Saturday. Hopefully I’ll remember to take more pictures.

On Sunday, we went to church. And later that day meet some church friends at the park. Again with not enough pictures, until right before we left. Josiah built a fort on the volleyball court and I HAD to take a picture. Then they destroyed it. 

Oh the joys of little boys!

Monday evening a very rare thing happened ---- I was home ALONE for over an hour. I cooked supper and sat in Ava’s hammock (that she got with her birthday money) and started to read a book! (its actually pretty good. I was crying by the end of the introduction and for most of chapter one).

We are also reading a chapter or two during evening devotions of George Meullers Autobiography. It’s really making us think and both books are deepening our resolve to NOT go into debt for this adoption. God continues to provide.

Just last week, three unexpected donations were made. All three who gave said something to the effect of they “felt” they should give that certain amount. Those three donations are EXACTLY the amount to finishing paying our home study fees. God is working on hearts and minds! He is certainly doing a thing.

Another blessing is that our medical reviews are being covered under our yearly, insurance paid, physicals. Yippee!!! Everyone is covered there except the big girls, they are too old to see the pediatrician and don’t yet have their own primary care physician.  Pray they are accepted as new patients at a different doctor’s office very soon.

And we are thankful that our computers are still working. We use them often. The PC recombobulated itself and Gene had to take one of the laptops apart. But he and some YouTube fella got it fixed and put back together.

Gene also fixed all the toilets today. He’s pretty handy. Praying for more easy fixes to our septic tank issues.

Our list of things to do for the home study is getting very short.

We’ll keep praying and working tit we get these big babies home!

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Current Fundraisers

Hold on to your seat!

No!!! Don’t do that! Especially if your local! Let go! See where you can help!

You can help by simply liking and sharing a Facebook or Instagram post, committing to pray, give, or get really wild and jump in with both feet and walk (run, skip, hop, roll, drag along) beside us (literally)!

It all helps!

Here’s the big list of what we are working on right now to help fund this adoption.

Candy & Lemonade Stand   
Lavonia Festival – Saturday, May 4th, 9am-4pm
Carnesville Festival – Saturday, May 11th, 10am-3pm
Hosted by the 4 younger siblings

Car Wash
At Carter’s Kitchen & Barry Hose and Hydraulics, Lavonia
Saturday, May 4th, 11am-3pm
Hosted by the 4 oldest siblings

Adoption T-shirts                                     
Current campaign runs through May 12
Looking to get your own shirts made? Use this link and we get a bonus!

Antiquities Portraits
Purchase a $10 certificated for an 8x10 portrait of your child(ren).
Portrait Sitting Date: Saturday, June 22, 10am-8pm
Location TBA (somewhere in Franklin County, Ga)

 You and also earn extra photos by helping to sale the portrait coupons - AND whoever sales the most wins a prize from us!!!

if your interested.

Abba Fund
A link is being set to give via the Abba Fund grant. This would allow donors to give a tax-deductible donation of money, vehicle, assets, gift card, and other contributions. These funds create a grant which is paid out to our agency, attorney, travel agent, or others who assist in the adoption process.
As soon as it’s up and going we’ll let you know!

Edit: The Abba Fund is live! Linked Here.

Change Drive
We are in the process of collecting peanut butter jars or similar containers to use for a change collection drive later this year (perhaps late summer). Every cent counts!



Illustration by William Warren

Got questions? So do we! But we're happy to answer any we can in the comments below. Perhaps you'll spawn an entire post!

Our goal for the adoption is between $35,000-$40,000. That's seems pretty overwhelming. But we are reminded everyday that the best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time. And chew.

National Day of Prayer, May 2, 2019

love-one-another-slide.jpg"There is no great movement of God that has ever occurred that does not begin with the extraordinary prayer of God's people." Dr. Ronnie Floyd

Can I just be totally real here? (if you think not then read something else)

Sometimes, lately, my prayer life … it’s been hard…

I’m so easily overwhelmed. There’s SO MUCH! So many hurts and sorrows. So many lost and living in darkness. So many people. So many things. And I haven’t even gotten to ME yet…

And my prayer has just been something like, “O Lord…. You know all things…” and sometimes regurgitated verses. Some groans. The words don’t come easy (which is not my normal).

And a list of bless this one and that one seems shallow.

But maybe that’s where He wants me. Back at the simplistic. Maybe He’s doing one of those “good things” and making me more like Christ.

Humble. Trusting. Committed. Full of simple faith and wonder.

And I’m so full of ME. He certainly has His work cut out for Him.

Then there was last night. The Daddy was getting ready to go to work and be gone awhile. I have so many irons in the fire and selfishly want him here. I was feeling overwhelmed….

But the dam finally broke. The tears came… buckets full.

It was a good healing cry. So much has happened this year to slow us, hinder us, distract us, discourage us, grieve us… and the sniffles have come and gone quickly during short prayer, or a song, or the thought of a missed face… but to let loose…

And you know what? There was joy this morning. And revelation this evening (you read it here first folks!) (by they way, this was written the night before the national day of prayer)

Abba Father is up to something wonderful.

And it begins here.

So, for this National Day of Prayer here’s my simplistic prayer:

God Bless…

*Our national and state leaders who give of their time to serve the people. May their hearts be surrendered to the Lamb

*Our local officials among us. May they enjoy safety, and may their hearts be surrendered to the Master

*Those in military service. Grant them strength and peace. And may their hearts be surrendered to the Savior.

*Missionaries and those in ministry, foreign and local. May their relationships be rich and all their needs meet. May they be surrendered to the Great Provider.

*My church family. The grief and trials are heavy. My heart is grieved. And yet, You prove faithful in each household. May we each find comfort in the word and each other. And may our hearts be surrendered to the God of All Comfort.

*My pastor and elders. Grant them wisdom to lead and peace in their homes. May their hearts be totally surrendered to the Shepherd.

*My scattered family and dear friends. May they each know they Your love, the love of God (which is far greater than mine) and seek You always. May their hearts be surrendered to Our Father in Heaven.

*My children. Ava, Autumn, Elijah, Alex, Lora, Jorja, Jacob & Josiah. May they each grow in the wisdom and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May they not ever forget or forsake the things they have been taught of God, even if they forget all else. May they seek what is true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtue and praise. May they be surrendered not to me but to their Creator.

*My children that aren’t here YET. Andrii and Anastasia. God give them safety of body, mind and spirit. Send your servants into their young lives and guard them from the snares of evil. And put into their minds that they are loved and wanted. Remind them we are running to them. But You are already there. And may they be surrendered to the Father of the fatherless, and know they belong to the King.

*My husband. O precious man! How he loves me! Because he loves You. (I’ll skip all the lovey-dovey adjectives) May he be encouraged in his pursuit to provide and guide and guard our family. And continue to give him patience for his “independent dependent” (that’s me). May he be surrendered to the Great Husbandman.

*Me. How blessed indeed I am! God great me the mental clarity and physical endurance for the task at hand. Help my unbelief. May you continue to surrender me to You.

And may Jesus get all the praise and glory, forever.

PS Lord. If we could have sunshine for the festival and fundraisers Saturday that would be fantastic. But either way, we know that You totally got this!
Love you! Amen.

And if you (blog reader) made it this far, here's a link to the live stream from Washington DC at 7:30-9:30pm. Just click here.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019


We might be crazy. 

But all the best people are.

Dr. James Dobson coined the phrase "crock-pot family" to describe blended families, those with children who marry and make a new family. Crock-pot is used to describe how it takes a really long time for all the ingredients to make one tasty dish. We like that term better than blended. Which happens quickly. Like cake batter.

Crock-pot.  That was/is us. Together we had 6 kids when we got hitched.

There's a funny story there, but that's for a different blog. 

Through the providence of God, we were able to adopt one another's children (they were ours anyway). And we birthed a couple more together. 

2 parents + 8 kids = 10 folks in one abode. (sometimes 3 bathrooms aren't enough).

Add in a couple of kids we hosted from Ukraine and you've got the main characters in this new chapter of our story.

Oh, there's one more main character! He's the King of the Universe. Has the best plan. And has already orchestrated the entire story. He's the most trustworthy and we attempt to follow His leading on everything. (We fail miserably. He is LONG Suffering toward us). Follow along and you'll hear more about Him.

So here we are…
The Daddy
The Mama
The Practice Child
The Quiet Child
The Questioner
The Clown
The Hopeful Son
The Helper
The Hopeful Daughter
The Boss
The Knee Baby
The Baby Boy

Most of our journey right now consist of filling out forms, making calls, googling stuff, and having fundraisers. LOTS and LOTS of FUNdraisers! 
And even more prayer.

Stay tuned! The next post will be all about prayer request and current fundraisers.