
Thursday, May 2, 2019

National Day of Prayer, May 2, 2019

love-one-another-slide.jpg"There is no great movement of God that has ever occurred that does not begin with the extraordinary prayer of God's people." Dr. Ronnie Floyd

Can I just be totally real here? (if you think not then read something else)

Sometimes, lately, my prayer life … it’s been hard…

I’m so easily overwhelmed. There’s SO MUCH! So many hurts and sorrows. So many lost and living in darkness. So many people. So many things. And I haven’t even gotten to ME yet…

And my prayer has just been something like, “O Lord…. You know all things…” and sometimes regurgitated verses. Some groans. The words don’t come easy (which is not my normal).

And a list of bless this one and that one seems shallow.

But maybe that’s where He wants me. Back at the simplistic. Maybe He’s doing one of those “good things” and making me more like Christ.

Humble. Trusting. Committed. Full of simple faith and wonder.

And I’m so full of ME. He certainly has His work cut out for Him.

Then there was last night. The Daddy was getting ready to go to work and be gone awhile. I have so many irons in the fire and selfishly want him here. I was feeling overwhelmed….

But the dam finally broke. The tears came… buckets full.

It was a good healing cry. So much has happened this year to slow us, hinder us, distract us, discourage us, grieve us… and the sniffles have come and gone quickly during short prayer, or a song, or the thought of a missed face… but to let loose…

And you know what? There was joy this morning. And revelation this evening (you read it here first folks!) (by they way, this was written the night before the national day of prayer)

Abba Father is up to something wonderful.

And it begins here.

So, for this National Day of Prayer here’s my simplistic prayer:

God Bless…

*Our national and state leaders who give of their time to serve the people. May their hearts be surrendered to the Lamb

*Our local officials among us. May they enjoy safety, and may their hearts be surrendered to the Master

*Those in military service. Grant them strength and peace. And may their hearts be surrendered to the Savior.

*Missionaries and those in ministry, foreign and local. May their relationships be rich and all their needs meet. May they be surrendered to the Great Provider.

*My church family. The grief and trials are heavy. My heart is grieved. And yet, You prove faithful in each household. May we each find comfort in the word and each other. And may our hearts be surrendered to the God of All Comfort.

*My pastor and elders. Grant them wisdom to lead and peace in their homes. May their hearts be totally surrendered to the Shepherd.

*My scattered family and dear friends. May they each know they Your love, the love of God (which is far greater than mine) and seek You always. May their hearts be surrendered to Our Father in Heaven.

*My children. Ava, Autumn, Elijah, Alex, Lora, Jorja, Jacob & Josiah. May they each grow in the wisdom and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May they not ever forget or forsake the things they have been taught of God, even if they forget all else. May they seek what is true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtue and praise. May they be surrendered not to me but to their Creator.

*My children that aren’t here YET. Andrii and Anastasia. God give them safety of body, mind and spirit. Send your servants into their young lives and guard them from the snares of evil. And put into their minds that they are loved and wanted. Remind them we are running to them. But You are already there. And may they be surrendered to the Father of the fatherless, and know they belong to the King.

*My husband. O precious man! How he loves me! Because he loves You. (I’ll skip all the lovey-dovey adjectives) May he be encouraged in his pursuit to provide and guide and guard our family. And continue to give him patience for his “independent dependent” (that’s me). May he be surrendered to the Great Husbandman.

*Me. How blessed indeed I am! God great me the mental clarity and physical endurance for the task at hand. Help my unbelief. May you continue to surrender me to You.

And may Jesus get all the praise and glory, forever.

PS Lord. If we could have sunshine for the festival and fundraisers Saturday that would be fantastic. But either way, we know that You totally got this!
Love you! Amen.

And if you (blog reader) made it this far, here's a link to the live stream from Washington DC at 7:30-9:30pm. Just click here.

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