
Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Jorja is a natural!

This past Saturday, we had a great time at the Lavonia Spring Festival!

We prayed for sunshine and the Lord heard and answered our prayers! It was extremely sunny and hot till after lunch time – then it drizzled. But at about 3, the flood gates were opened and we got drenched packing up. Jacob said I looked like a jumped in a lake.

Little did we know that our little Jorja was such a salesperson! She talked to everyone she could! “Would you like to buy some lemonade and candy to help support adoption?” And when one older couple said that would be nice but they are diabetic, she smiled and happily gestured to the donation can and said, “You could just give a donation.” They did.

I did NOT teach her this! Boy are we glad she’s on our team.

The Car Wash was somewhat less successful. Perhaps it was the threat of rain, or not enough advertising…. But they and a couple of really good friends had fun.

Both fundraisers broke even and made a profit and there’s enough stuff left over to try again. 
SEVERAL times.

We’ll be at the Carnesville Spring Fling this coming Saturday. Hopefully I’ll remember to take more pictures.

On Sunday, we went to church. And later that day meet some church friends at the park. Again with not enough pictures, until right before we left. Josiah built a fort on the volleyball court and I HAD to take a picture. Then they destroyed it. 

Oh the joys of little boys!

Monday evening a very rare thing happened ---- I was home ALONE for over an hour. I cooked supper and sat in Ava’s hammock (that she got with her birthday money) and started to read a book! (its actually pretty good. I was crying by the end of the introduction and for most of chapter one).

We are also reading a chapter or two during evening devotions of George Meullers Autobiography. It’s really making us think and both books are deepening our resolve to NOT go into debt for this adoption. God continues to provide.

Just last week, three unexpected donations were made. All three who gave said something to the effect of they “felt” they should give that certain amount. Those three donations are EXACTLY the amount to finishing paying our home study fees. God is working on hearts and minds! He is certainly doing a thing.

Another blessing is that our medical reviews are being covered under our yearly, insurance paid, physicals. Yippee!!! Everyone is covered there except the big girls, they are too old to see the pediatrician and don’t yet have their own primary care physician.  Pray they are accepted as new patients at a different doctor’s office very soon.

And we are thankful that our computers are still working. We use them often. The PC recombobulated itself and Gene had to take one of the laptops apart. But he and some YouTube fella got it fixed and put back together.

Gene also fixed all the toilets today. He’s pretty handy. Praying for more easy fixes to our septic tank issues.

Our list of things to do for the home study is getting very short.

We’ll keep praying and working tit we get these big babies home!

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