
Friday, May 8, 2020

Grants and Birds

Here's an overdue update about our Mother's Day "flash sale" of the Fly Home Fundraiser prints - we raised $250 in just few hours. Thanks to everyone who got something pretty for their mama!

AND... (drum roll)... this week received another grant from Katelyn's Fund for $3000

I cried. 

They sent us the nicest note - HUGE encouragement!  I'll share it here (so one day I can come back and cry again).

Dear Harold and Erin, 

We wanted to share with you how very blessed we were by your testimonies and trust in Him during the interview time together last week. We were moved by your willingness to share with us and know that He is going to continue to work and give you wisdom and strength through all of this. We were struck by your desires to listen to His voice, to follow His plan, and to see His kingdom go forth, we were blessed as you shared how He is growing and stretching you and showing His faithfulness during this time.   We are confident He has such a good plan for your family, and loves the ways you both serve Him so selflessly.  We know that He will show His faithfulness to you.

We were struck by your genuine faith, your desires for your children to know the Father as their personal Lord and Savior, your commitment to follow His plan, and your persistence to examine ways to live for Him.  We love your hearts and the ways He is creating new ways for you to know Him. You have a powerful story to share of His speaking and leading. He loves the way you are listening for Him, that you are living in new ways to grow in Him…we trust He has and is giving you discernment in decisions, He is faithful. We will continue praying for each of you, for His grace, wisdom, and presence.

It is with joy, we share, that we have approved your family for a $3,000 grant, which will be sent directly to your agency.

It was followed by some directions for getting it to our agency and whatnot. Fun stuff.
That is the biggest grant that fund doles out - so it's a huge deal. What encouragement! 

Praying a few more come in. Several have contacted us that because of this virus mess their meetings and doing are postponed until into the summer months. 

God is providing. 

There's still a lot going on. Even when we feel like it's standing still. He is moving. 

Please continue to pray for Andrii's health, he continues radiation and his platelet count was very low this week. 

Learn to do good;
seek justice,
 correct oppression;
bring justice to the fatherless,

plead the widow's cause.
Isaiah 1:17

I'm looking for a way to share  info - like grants and expenses and timelines - perhaps google docs. Look for that soon. Maybe. Hopefully.

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