
Saturday, April 18, 2020

Ink, Quarantine, and Birds

I ordered the wrong ink

Last weekend we were sent one more paper to print, notarize and apostille. But I was out of ink. And I'm avoiding Walmart cause... well, it's crazier than normal. And they don't have toilet paper anyway. 
So I ordered ink. And it came a day earlier than expected. And I ran to put it in the printer and... it's the wrong size. (Although it look exactly the same *eye roll*).

So I HAD to go to Walmart to exchange it. 

So we also bought a few other things. (but no toilet paper - found that at Dollar General). 

But then The Daddy isn't home to sign it... so.... we wait. Again. 

(Before I could edit and add links and pictures Gene came home and a sweet friend Notarized them for us. Thanks Mary Ann!)

In somewhat happier news, Andrii's radiation treatment is going well. He still gets a few
FaceTime with Andrii
visitors. And a friend even got to go to radiation with him. I got to talk with him on Thursday and tell him good night. He looked really good!

There is still fundraising happening to help cover parts of his medical needs. Some testing and nursing care and MRIs. More on that can be found here

Haven't heard much from Anastasia this week.

Today, Ava went to Aldi with me. Which was a huge blessing because they had limited the number of gallons of milk you can buy to just 2. Which is totally ridiculous to someone that normally gets 6. Since she didn't need milk she got 2 for me with her order. What a relief! 
But I'll still have to go to the store again sooner. Which flys against this whole "shelter at home" malarkey. 

This whole mess is becoming silly. All these talking heads.... (*huge eye roll* followed by mumbling about the Constitution and rights...). 
Only sick people should be quarantined. We may bust out. (We may have already.)

And we, all 8945 that seem to live here, are not sick.  We are only sick of hearing about it ALL the time!
So, while a few weeks ago I was all about our Grand people staying home and away from others who could be carriers (like us), now... well, this is no way for any people to live life. Especially our hurting and elderly and those who have lost a loved one. It's hard to show how much you care from far away. 

"The eye cannot say to the hand, 'I have no need of you,' nor again the head to the feet, 'I have no need of you.' On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and on those parts of the body that we think less honorable we bestow the greater honor, and our unpresentable parts are treated with greater modesty, which our more presentable parts do not require. But God has so composed the body, giving greater honor to the part that lacked it, that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together."
I Corinthians 12:22-26

Can you tell that even this homebody is fed up?  

"Security without liberty is called prison." 
Benjamin Franklin ~

(*stepping off soap box* *noting that, if this is a prison, it's a pretty nice prison*)

We have made use of our park passes and continue to be thankful for the beautiful weather and room to roam. 

And we still have Fly Home bird prints for sale! Only a few of some but lots of hummingbird prints! 
The printer was closed and now someone else is "helping" and I'm not sure when we will order more. We had hoped Spring festivals would be a help to us... but those are all canceled. 
So look for a SALE SOON (like tomorrow). I'll link it when it goes live.

And we are still waiting for grants. But like everything else, many are paused. Some are waiting on an update from us that things are moving forward. 
It WILL happen. Soon. 
It just will.

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