
Friday, January 17, 2020

Look what God is doing... Prayer and Confirmation

Wednesdays seem to be becoming a day of new news. 
Wednesday is also the day the younger children and I go to Community Bible Study (CBS).
This year we are spending 30 weeks studying the book of Genesis.
We have Core Group time to discuss the weeks lesson. In my core group this year there is an adoptive mom and a mom whose teen son had a brain tumor. This teen was once and athlete and honor student, now he will probably always live with her. 
I didn't know when we rejoined CBS this year that I would meet these women.

I received word about Andrii's illness on an early Wednesday morning. I cried. I called Gene. We prayed. Then I tried to go about the day as normal, getting children reading for CBS. I told two friends when I got there. I was a little weepy. 
During core group one of the discussion questions got that teen son's mama talking about him and her struggle. She cried. I was blubbering. I HAD to tell those precious ladies the news. No more questions got answered that day. We prayed. For those boys. For us mamas. For comfort. For clarity. 

That same teen son's mama answered a question this week about what she's learned so far from Genesis, "God made ashes of some of these peoples lives, but he brought something beautiful from it."
She sure is beautiful. 

This week I wore my LOVE shirt and went with news about the completed homestudy. 
We had studied about Abraham's faithful unnamed servant who was tasked with going to get a wife for Isaac, and the beautiful way Isaac meet Rebekah (the original plot line for all Hallmark movies). (Genesis 24) What a good time of discussion we had! 

After core group we all go hear a prepared lecture. And it was just what I needed (even the music). 
The credit for this next part goes to Nancy B., Assistant Teaching Director. 

When we ask God for guidance for a specific decision or action we can expect 3 proofs to what we believe is His answer (and I can totally attest to this!)
1. Confirming Circumstances (support, time, finances... evidence)
2. The guidance we feel we are receiving are within God's revealed will from His word. (you'll see a verse or verses in you regular reading - if you regularly read - that confirm this). 
3. A deep peace concerning the decision (for real, confidence and peace - even if the thing to do  still seems scary)

In our lesson, the servant, Isaac, Rebekah and her family all saw God fulfilling His plan in the details of their lives and also in His bigger story. When we faithfully answer God's call, He uses us to fulfill His Master Plan. 

The unnamed servant was called to act, he was successful in his undertaking - and he gave all the glory to God.
We feel tasked to adopt... and know that God is in the details.
These ladies and I faithfully show up to CBS... and look what God is doing!

Sometimes the trip is LONG (the servant traveled about 3 weeks by camel, we have spent a long time already trying to  get to Ukraine), but that just gives us more time to pray. 

PS - Today is Friday, Jan.17 - We mailed the forms to USCIS today! 

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