
Monday, June 3, 2019

Prayer Request

We are thankful for our good health, and remember how the Lord has lead, guarded, provided for, and loved us all these years. Please join us in praying for the following details.

First, as part of our home study we must have a letter that our septic system is in good working order. It has been examined and found lacking. According to our very nice fella from the health department, a family half our size shouldn’t be able to flush the toilet. Yet here we are… a year and a half of flushing and showers and laundry and dishes… but he can’t give us that letter. But he wants to help us resolve this easily. 
He asked that we first check for leaks.

Did you know that your toilets could be slowly leaking from the tank into the bowl without you knowing it? And that that slow leak adds constant pressure to your septic? And you can test it with red kool-aid?

New information for us too. Turns out all our toilets needed new flappers.

Worse case now is we will need to add some more drain field. Messy costly job.

Next, this weekend our big giant van, that is the Mama’s main vehicle, started making really weird whiny noises and being a jerk. (It jerks, especially in reverse). We’ve got a couple of theories about what could be wrong.

Lastly, (which seems minor compared with those first two) that oldest tall child, is the only one who hasn’t gotten her medical exam done. Medical reports are also needed for everyone in the family. The older two girls aged out of the pediatrician’s office and just hadn’t gotten a new doctor yet. They both visited a local office to get their records transferred and become new patients. One got in, one’s records never showed up. The office has resent the request (over a week ago) and we continue to wait.

We praise the Lord that all of our medical exams were covered by our insurance as our yearly check-ups.

We are at peace as we trust God has all things in His control and will provide for each need. Pray we see soon how those first two request will be provided for and that any oversight on that last one is cleared up.

We’d love to hear from you. Please feel free to comment on any of our post. We know most of this blog now is the nitty-gritting, somewhat boring details. But hang on the really exciting stuff will come as we continue to press forward.

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