
Friday, February 21, 2020

The Greatest Help

I was lamenting the lack of sharing of our current and recent fundraisers. Thankfully, I was just complaining privately to myself. I quickly had a talk with me.

I reminded my complaining self of a documentary we (Gene and I, not the royal we) had the opportunity to see called Blind Eyes Opened. It tells the hard truth about sex trafficking in America. Not a family flick, but could be watched by middle schoolers as they are a much targeted group. Certainly a topic of safety that parents should be discussing at age appropriate levels.

At the end of the showing they had gathered these women who had been featured in the film, all recovering and experiencing the hope and healing found in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
They discussed their current lives and the ministries they were involved with. Then were asked,  “How can people help?”

Then we heard the BEST answer ever!!!
“You can do something as little as give, or as much as pray."

As a ministry leader and hopeful adoptive mama, I LOVE that answer.

I know many who are praying. And I know God is hearing and answering those prayers. He has proven it again and again over this past year of trying. And I have no doubt He will continue.
His plans are so much greater!

While I was typing out these thoughts who should arrive but the UPS man! 

And guess what arrived!!! 

Our Fly Home Fundraiser prints (they are gorgeous!)  AND our silicone bracelets from the 12-12-12-12 for World Cancer Day fundraiser (they aren’t exactly what I expected, but they’ll do).

What an encouragement!!!  

The birds and the bracelets are still available- just click on the linky-word things  up there to find out more or see below.

God is good!

Drop me a comment below and tell me how God has been good to you this week! 

To skip the reading of other blog post and get to business:
For Fly Away Home Bird Prints on antique hymn pages by Cady Driver see our order form by clicking here
For a #becoming12 brain and children's cancer awareness silicone bracelet give via PayPal to - note "for adoption" and your mailing address; or to make a tax deductible gift through the Abba Fund click here.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Fly Home

I LOVE Hymns! 
I LOVE birds! 
So this beautiful opportunity we have been given is right up my alley! 

An amazing artist and adoptive mother, Cady Driver, is allowing us the opportunity to fund raise with her gorgeous artwork to help us "Fly Home" our new children.

These are high quality professional prints made from original art that she painted on antique hymnal pages. They will fit an 8x10 frame or opening. We can deliver these locally, or ship them!

We chose five of our favorites to offer as a fundraiser to help us get these two new kids home from Ukraine,  and we hope that you love them! We are currently taking pre-orders to help us figure out the number of prints that we will need to order. We are asking $20  (or $15 if you buy 2 or more), plus shipping if needed, per print.

These would make great gifts for Easter, Mother's Day, Anniversaries,  and Birthdays coming up this Spring. Or perhaps you could get a big jump start on your Christmas shopping!

We will also be drawing the names of a few people who SHARE this post via social media or email or to your own blog (leave a link!), to receive a free print of your choice! So, please share and comment how you shared so that we can keep track!
EDIT: Our first winner was chosen on March 6th - Congratulations Grace A. 
We'll draw again at the beginning of April so keep sharing! And don't forget to comment!

We are so thankful to Cady for this incredible blessing! You can find out more about Cady on her website here and Instagram page here or Facebook here

Click Here for the Link to PreOrder - or copy and paste the link below

Blue Jay on Blessed Assurance

Cardinal on Sweet By and By

Hummingbird on Christ the Lord is Risen Today

Hummingbird on He Leadeth Me

Jay on Praise Him! Praise Him!

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Today’s Good News!

Yesterday, I was sent 1 Samuel 12:16 and today we have LOTS of good news to share! 🤩

First, wonderful news about Andrii!
He saw a physiologist for 3 days and is feeling much better. He’s also eating “normal food in pieces” and likes the hospital cafe and enjoys “cheesecake fries” (I have no idea what that is but can’t wait to eat it with him!)
“His girls” (nurses) report that he is more relaxed.
He had an MRI on Friday, so we are waiting on those results.
But the best news is for a few days he got to go back to the center where he and Anastasia live!
(The picture is from today!)
To date, all of his uncovered medical needs have been covered by donations! 😍

Second, we had a great call with our adoption agency guy, Dan, yesterday evening. He is started on our dossier and we should have something dossier related to work on by Wednesday.
He also mentioned another place we can request the process be expedited! Which is great!
But that also means we need these funds ASAP!

Which brings me to the third and fourth pieces of good news.

3. To date we have applied for 6 grants. Two more to go out Monday and one more ready but waiting on a letter from our social worker (homestudy gal).

And number 4, if you know us on Facebook you may remember the beautiful birds on hymns fundraiser our friends the Cogan family was doing. Yes? No? Well, as of this morning that is being set up and we should have it ready to go soon. It’s really beautiful! And with Valentines, Easter and Mother’s Day coming up will hopefully do very well.

Our current fundraiser “12/12/12/12 for World Cancer Day” is at $197 and will be active for 7 more days.

Drop us a comment and let us know what good thing the Lord is doing in your life!

Love ya!